In this article, we will know about the best hotel training schools in Nepal. In the hotel industry, there is a wide variety of different roles, responsibilities, and skills. Therefore, there is a huge diversity of training and staffing. Hotel training is a system involving all hotel-related training, which includes food and beverage management, housekeeping, bakery, food management, hotel administration, and account maintenance.

The Diploma in hotel training course prepares trainers to enter the world of hospitality. It combines theoretical and practical based classes with internship and business specifications.

Hotel training can include

  1. Food and beverages management
  2. Housekeeping
  3. Hotel and restaurant management
  4. Professional Diploma in HM
  5. Basic cooking course
  6. Bakery training
  7. Culinary Arts

List of best hotel training schools in Kathmandu

  1. International Hotel Training School

IHTS (International Hotel Training School) is the first hotel training in Nepal under the leadership of the existing dynamic Food and Beverage Director, Executive chef of the 5-star deluxe hotel in Nepal. Vocational training is the shortest way to get a job in the hospitality sector. If you have a passion for tourism/hotel, our specially designed courses will enhance your skills to be able to establish yourself in the hotel industry.

Program offered

  • IHTS offers 3 months to 1-year diplomas in courses.
  • Internship placement for hotel management students in different countries such as China, Thailand, Malaysia, etc.

Other vocational course includes

  • Professional Diploma in HM
  • Professional Diploma in Culinary arts
  • Crash courses in special cuisine
  • Certificate in culinary arts
  • Food and beverages management
  • Housekeeping
  • Bakery Training
  • Sushi Course

Location- Bhimsengola Chowk Near Old Baneshwor – Kathmandu

2. International School of Tourism and Hotel Management

IST (International School of Tourism and Hotel Management) was established by high-quality hospitality professionals. It focuses on the development of managerial, practical, and hospitality knowledge and skills in the student to prepare them for the hotel industry. Its contents are designed by combining management and practical methodologies to achieve an international level of teaching and staffing environment.

Program offered

  • +2 Management Diploma in Hotel/Tourism Management
  • IST vocational Food and Beverage service
  • Bachelor Level FHS Diploma in Hotel Management

Other vocational course includes

  • Bakery training
  • Indian, Chinese, and Continental cuisine
  • Bartending training
  • Fast food commercials and Basic Cooking

Location – Opposite of German Embassy, Gyaneshwor- Kathmandu

3. Global Academy of Tourism and Hospitality

GATE (Global Academy of Tourism and Hospitality) is one of the best hospitality colleges located in Mandikhatar, Kathmandu. The college provides management and, practical-based Hospitality education and training programs ensuring quality and practical-based education to the student. GATE is providing quality education since 2007. This institute offers an internationally accepted diploma program. This college has also been offering academic and vocational hospitality courses to students from all around the world. Hotel and Restaurant Management courses are affiliated with Hotelleriesuisse Swiss Hotel Association Associate School.

Program offered


  • Higher Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management(Hotelleriesuisse Swiss Hotel Association Associate School)

Other Vocational Course includes

  • Diploma in Culinary Arts
  • Culinary Certificate Course
  • Bakery Course
  • Barista
  • Certificate in Food and Beverage Service
  • Diploma in bakery
  • Commercial Cookery Course

Location: Mandikhatar, Kathmandu

4. Silver Mountain School of Hotel Management

SMSH (Silver Mountain School of Hotel Management) adopts a distinct learning methodology to provide an inactive learning experience to the student. SMSH has been providing the best hotel and tourism management courses since 2002 AD.

This college also has a good engagement with hotels and tourism experts, Student can find a culturally diverse learning environment, along with research programs that help to ensure practical and realistic learning activities. Silver Mountain School of Hotel Management is one of the best Diplomas in hotel and management institutes in Kathmandu.

Programs offered

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management
  • Higher Diploma in International Culinary Art

Other Vocational Course includes

  • Culinary Course
  • Dining Etiquette
  • Barista
  • Certificate in Food and Beverage Service
  • Wine Appreciation

Location-Near Hanuman Chowk Marg, Lainchour- Kathmandu

5. Kathmandu Institute of Hospitality Management

KIHM (Kathmandu Institute of Hospitality Management) is an organization to import vocational skill market-oriented Training having national as well as international standards in Restaurant/hotel and Hospitality Management to the student.KIHM offers various courses in Food and Beverage Service, Front office, Housekeeping, and Salesman. KIHM is also involved in different tourism activities.

Program offered

  • Cook
  • Diploma in Hospitality Management

Other Vocational Course includes

  • Food and Beverage Service
  • Front Office
  • Housekeeping
  • Salesman

Location- Kupondole – Lalitpur

6. Lincoln Academy of Culinary and Hospitality Management

LACHM (Lincoln Academy of Culinary and Hospitality Management) was established in 2017 by a team of young and reputed hospitality personnel with a great vision for providing Culinary and Hospitality Management skills and knowledge to the students. It is affiliated with ETVA (European Technical and Vocational Academy) in association with Lincoln University College of Malaysia.

LACHM also provides IT, classes, for personal development and many other Crash Courses for the development of human resources.

Program offered

  • Executive Professional Diploma in Hotel Management
  • Professional Diploma in Culinary Art
  • Executive Professional in Culinary Art

Other Vocational Course includes

  • Hospitality skills
  • IT classes

Location- Opposite Kantipur Hospital, Tinkuna- Kathmandu

7. Shangri-la Tourism and Hotel Training Centre

Shangri-la Tourism and Hotel Training enter focuses on producing talents that have practical skills. It focuses on providing international standard training so that students can work anywhere. Shangri-la Tourism and Hotel Training also provide technical skills for the development of human resources. It also provides placement services. It is affiliated with ETVA (European Technical and Vocational Academy). The advanced methodology has been adopted to teach in Shangri-la Tourism and Hotel Training Centre.

Program offered

  • Diploma in Culinary Arts
  • Bakery
  • Hotel management

Other Vocational Course includes

  • Tour Operation
  • Front Office
  • Airlines Ticketing

Location- Bhakti Thapa Sadak, New Baneshwor –Kathmandu

8. Radisson Hotel Training Centre

The Radisson Hotel Training Centre was established in 2063. It provides different types of hotel training services. This consultancy is established to provide different cooking classes and other hospitality classes. The hotel training starts from short term, Diploma and other training by qualified, energetic and professional people. The Radisson Hotel Training Centre course is affiliated with (CTEVT).

Program offered

  • Cooking
  • Waiter

Other Vocational Course includes

  • Cleaning
  • Hospitality skills and training

Location- Kalimati Chowk, Kathmandu

9. Alacarte Hospitality Nepal Private Limited

Alacarte Hospitality Nepal Private Limited was established in 2007 AD. Alacarte offers a wide variety of hotel training starting from short-term, Diploma, and other training. AlacarteI focuses on providing standard hospitality training so that students can able to gain skills in different courses. It has been working intending to benchmark the Nepalese Hospitality industry by providing skilled manpower and professionals in the field of hospitality and tourism.

Programs offered

  • Housekeeping
  • Food and Beverage services

Other Vocational Course includes

  • Culinary Arts
  • Commercial Cookery Course

Location- Surya Bikram Marga New Baneshwor –Kathmandu

10. Elite Hospitality and Tourism Services Management

Elite Hospitality and Tourism Services Management Pvt. Ltd is established by a small group of professional Hospitality consultants. EHSM offers a wide range of services that helps to tackle the challenges regarding hotel and tourism services. Elite Hospitality and Tourism Services Management promote Nepalese tourism and services in the global market by providing better services to hospitality.

Program Offered

  • Hotel training
  • Restaurant Setup and opening.

Other Vocational Course includes

  • Hotel resource Management
  • Hospitality Management contract

Location- Kupondole – Lalitpur

All of the above-listed hotel training schools are listed according to our research and observations. This is only informative data that shows the hotel training schools in Nepal. We have categorized “best” according to the courses offered by the institute, internship programs that the institute offers, budget, and location of the institute.

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